Welcome to join us for A Celebration Day for Girls workshop, celebrating our girls and the beginning of their own journey to womanhood!
It is a journey of metamorphosis and to embrace and be empowered from the very start is what we’d like to offer the girls as they approach their menarche. A day of closeness and connection, mutual support, learning and laughing. We will be enjoying a shared lunch, games, mandala making and FUN!
Below is a outlining of the mums evening and the Girls Day on Sunday,
The workshop consists of two parts:
Friday 10th of November- Celebration Day for Girls Evening for mums: 6.30-8.30pm. (This evening is also possible to attend on zoom)
Saturday 18th of November - Celebration Day for Girls Workshop day: 10.00-4.30pm. The day is divided up in two parts: 11.00am - 1.15pm morning for the girls and joined by mums for lunchtime at 1.15pm until 4.30pm.
Mums evening 7-9pm:
Welcome circle ,tea
Overview of workshop
Menstrual wellbeing
Your hopes and wishes for your daughter
Your role on the day: positive woman and menarche stories
Ways to help prepare your daughter for menarche
Allergies and permissions
Close and thank you
Girls morning 10.00-1.15am:
Welcoming circle, introduction through games
Womens cycles, life stages in nature , female body
How many periods
Anonymous questions
Morning tea 12.00pm
Menstrual products
Cultural awareness, Henna Painting
Mums join us
Festive lunch 1.30- 2.30pm
Afternoon session with mothers 2.30pm-4.30 pm
Special woman story
Felt lockets
First period story
Story telling
Strength cards
Locket ceremony
Blessing cards
Mandala completion
Closing Circle and Goodbyes
To book:
The payment can be made in two instalments of £40 first instalment at time of booking and second instalment 3 weeks prior to the workshop. Alternatively, the payment can be made as a one off payment of £75. The workshop fee will cover all materials used, hall hire, refreshments and snacks. The payment can be made either via Paypal to mrsmariasutton@gmail.com or bank transfer payable to Carpe Diem sort code 20-51-07 bank account 50722855.
I look forward to welcoming you and your daughter for the Celebration Day for Girls workshop.
Many Blessings, Maria
View the facebook post here: